Flowers for Algernon Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

I admit I had come here with a chip on my shoulder. (13.156)

Well, well, well—look who can finally admit he's a bit conceited. Charlie didn't get a big ego implanted in him during the surgery, which begs the question: is he just naturally stuck-up?

Quote #8

But the deeper I get tangled up in this mass of dreams and memories the more I realize that emotional problems can't be solved as intellectual problems are. (14.202)

Sounds like Charlie needs a shoulder to cry on. But wait, what is the difference between solving emotional and intellectual problems? How does Charlie's approach to each differ?

Quote #9

"Who are you, Charlie?" Nothing but the smile. (16.230)

Charlie doesn't get much from prodding his alter-ego. Is that smile symbolic of something though? Is the true Charlie really that simple?