Flowers for Algernon Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

You take liberties with other people's minds. You can't tell how I feel or what I feel or why I feel. (12.126)

It's about time Charlie got a good talking-to from Alice. Maybe he doesn't realize it, but he twists her words around to manipulate her emotions, like a used-car salesman after a couple cans of Red Bull.

Quote #8

Letting Algernon out of his cage would throw the meeting into chaos, and after all this was Burt's debut into the rat-race of academic preferment. (13.157)

Wow—Charlie can be downright nasty. But then again, he's just repaying the favor to the original manipulators, Nemur and Strauss. Why would he involve Burt, though?

Quote #9

It has to do with Charlie. For some reason, he won't let me make love to you. (14.205)

Way to redeem our faith in humanity, Charlie. He tries to make love to Alice by pretending she's Fay, but ultimately feels it's wrong. Does this count as manipulation?