Flowers for Algernon Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #7

I went home and made love to Fay, but kept thinking about Alice. (14.236)

Ouch, that's a little harsh. Something tells us that neither of these ladies would be totally thrilled to hear this news. Maybe thinking about Alice keeps him from getting fully involved with Fay, and vice versa.

Quote #8

Get him out of here! He's got no right to look at his sister with sex in his mind! (16.275)

It's Charlie's worst fear come true, but he takes his mom's accusation pretty calmly. Why doesn't he freak out?

Quote #9

Alice was a woman, but perhaps Charlie would understand that she wasn't his mother or sister. (17.293)

The nice thing about being a genius is that you can provide your own therapy, apparently. Sounds like Charlie's been putting women on a pedestal for a long time.