Forgotten Fire Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She was a companion I might have created in my dreams. I felt that I knew her as well as I knew myself, that we had both been alone in empty rooms, had both died and survived in the same way. (28.1)

Seta and Vahan become fast friends, perhaps because they are both trapped: Seta with the consul, and Vahan was with Selim. The pair bond over their imprisonment, and we can't help but wonder if this shared experience is good for Vahan to share with Seta, and vice versa.

Quote #8

I felt then as though I had stepped onto another world, an alien and self-contained world with its own language, laws, and rules of behavior. (33.3)

On the boat to Constantinople, Vahan notices that he's in a new place with its own rules and system. What's important here is the fact that—even on his way to the dreamy Constantinople—he's trapped on the boat. He's not sure whether he's on his way to freedom or death, but he's willing to risk it.

Quote #9

When we could talk, we talked about Constantinople, about places and bazaars and endless streets of endless possibilities. (33.21)

Vahan imagines what his life will be like once he gets to Constantinople, and it's all gravy. He pictures streets of gold and free cookies everywhere. Okay, so he doesn't go that far, but he does think the new place will give him amazing opportunities and freedom that he hasn't had since his dad was taken.