Forgotten Fire Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Pick your friends carefully and protect them if you can," he said. "Leave the rest to their fate." (20.39)

Selim Bey says this to Vahan when he asks about Seranoush, and the governor's response is worse than Vahan ever could have imagined. Selim Bey makes it clear to Vahan that he has no control over what happens to Seranoush or anyone else for that matter.

Quote #5

There was still time to change my mind, time to get under my blankets and close my eyes and pretend that I was safe. But I knew what was possible in the world, and I could not let myself feel safe. (22.35)

As time passes, we see Vahan grow more skeptical of everyone, and start to treat every situation as a threatening one. He says here that he's not safe—that's because he's still a prisoner in Turkey since he's an Armenian.

Quote #6

It seemed to me that the last two years of my life had been spent standing in the front of closed doors, hoping I would be allowed inside. (26.15)

Metaphor alert: Vahan considers his life as an outsider as part of his suffering, and gives us a great metaphor for understanding it here. He's been locked out of where he wants to be, but hopefully he can finally become free, or—to put it in his words—go inside.