Forgotten Fire Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The problem with loneliness is that, unlike other forms of human suffering, it teaches us nothing, leads us nowhere, and generally devalues us in our own eyes and the eyes of others. (20.1)

Not so fast Vahan. It might seem this way to him at the time, but in reality, we think his loneliness teaches him a lot about how to be self-sufficient and make decisions. Sure it's depressing and sad for him, but being alone pushes Vahan to grow up in ways that relying on his brother just wouldn't have.

Quote #5

I wanted her to know that she was safe, that she was no longer alone, that this was not just the best day of my life but the best day of hers, as well. She had a family now. She had a brother, a father, and a best friend. (20.27)

Vahan confides in us when talking about Seranoush, who is there for the soldiers to rape every night. He wishes he could be of comfort to her, but actually, she's all by herself in the world. Not even sharing food and light conversation with Vahan can change that.

Quote #6

Still, their presence was a comfort to me. It was good to have my own people near me, to know that I was not completely alone. (22.29)

But now he is alone. This is what he thinks right after Mrs. Mahari disappears, and it occurs to him that he's the only Armenian left in the house, and he's got no more friends to talk to. It's sad that Mrs. Mahari died, but this forces Vahan to run away before he is killed off too.