Freak the Mighty Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This is why we came here, so Freak could show me where he's been. The place is important to him. I understand this much. (9.46)

Real friends care about the stuff their friends care about. Does Max totally get this, or is he just along for the ride?

Quote #8

Grim is saying, "Let's give it a try, nothing else has worked, maybe what he needs is a friend, that's the one thing he's never had with all those special teachers." (12.26)

Grim totally gets it. Adults can try and try with Max, but what he really needs is a peer—someone who gets him. Since he doesn't have any siblings, that's going to come in the form of a friend. Freak, to be exact.

Quote #9

Me and Freak are like this unit. (13.1)

Freak the Mighty might be a unit, but they're also unique individuals with unique personalities. What do Max and Freak have in common? What makes them different?