Shock Rating

Shock Rating


Maybe it seems strange that a movie with such levity can have an R rating, but all of the bizarre humor and sharp wit of the film can make us forget about some of its more gruesome underpinnings.

If you're not a fan of cut-off body parts, you might want to be wary of the severed head and the four fingers amputated by a door. You also might start laughing when a cat gets hilariously thrown out a window—except that when you see the bloody remains, it's gets real grim, real fast.

Also, despite Gustave's chivalrous nature, he can have quite a mouth at times. There's a fair share of swearing and sexual language, along with a few, very quick, lewd scenes of Gustave with some older ladeez.

Oh yeah: and there's the painting that replaces Boy with Apple. It's made to look like a work by the Austrian master Egon Schiele … but it's definitely uber-risque.