The Prisoners

Character Analysis

"What happened, my dear Zero, is I beat the living s*** out of a sniveling little runt called Pinky Bandinski."

Yup. This is how we're first introduced to Gustave's fellow inmates. Not to worry, though: he later tells Zero that Pinky has, "actually become a dear friend. You'll meet him, I hope." Thus begins the story of an unlikely friendship between the falsely accused Gustave and his four hardened criminal bros.

The prisoners consist of Pinky, Gunther, Wolf, and their leader, Ludwig. We may not learn much about these men during the brief time Gustave is acquainted with them, but we do know that they appreciate Gustave's sincerity and hospitality as he shares his Mendl's treats with them—although they're probably not as warm and nourishing as the prison mush, they certainly taste a lot better.

The men accept the unlikely inmate as one of their own, and bring him in on their escape plan…or maybe they're just using him for the Mendl's? They seem like sweetie-pies, though—before they strangle an unfortunate bus driver, Ludwig gives Gustave and Zero a brief but sincere goodbye. It really makes you begin to wonder who the bad guys are.