The Grand Budapest Hotel Resources


Academy Zubrowka

Complete with as much world-building as you could ever want (and honestly much more than you could expect from an adventure-comedy film). Whether it's learning about the war, tourism, or the Lutz school of arts and the culinary evolution, this website has it all (and with some pretty up-tempo music to boot—hooray for niche viral marketing).

Articles and Interviews

The Budapest Bible

If you're a serious Grand Budapest fan, then you won't be able to live without Matt Zoller Seitz's latest companion book to the movie, complete with all sorts of interviews and insight. It's a treat that only Mendl could match.

Fancy Perfumes, Old Hotels, and Aspect Ratios

A Times interview where our boys Wes and Ralph give some great insight into their film, especially including Gustave, his character, and his code of honor. Sit down from a minute (or fifty) and learn a thing or two.


The Grand Overlook Hotel

You may not have known this, but the Overlook hotel in Kubrick's The Shining is actually the one and only Grand Budapest Hotel we've come to love. When Jack gets in the middle of Gustave's wild escapades, things start to get crazy.

The Delicacies of Creating the Courtesan au Chocolat

That's right folks, watch this accurate and thematically appropriate video recipe and you'll be making your very own Mendl's Courtesan au Chocolat in no time and eating them a few hours after that… we never said it was going to be easy.

Bringing Zubrowka to Life

Don't have time for a couple hours of behind the scenes footage? Here's a quick little taste of the creation of the film and the directing mind of Anderson.

A Budapest Smörgåsbord with Wes

Anderson breaks down everything from Gustave's inspiration to the creation of Zubrowka and working with the various cast members. Don't worry; it's only seven minutes and not chock full of elitist director jargon.


Will There Be War?

Yes, there will definitely be war.

Scaling the Budapest

Aren't you curious about what the Grand Budapest Hotel actually looks like in real life? Here it is, in all it's… err, glory?



A "self-proclaimed Wes Anderson" (guess we'll never know if he really is) and professional artists draw us a, uh, beautiful portrait of the Grand Budapest cast. Take a look for yourself.