What's Up With the Title?

What's Up With the Title?

In case you didn't notice, The Grand Budapest Hotel is that giant, pink colored building that Gustave and Zero are always hanging out in.

Oh, and it's also that not-so-pinkish building where Mr. Mustafa and the Author meet.

Oh—oh: It's also the name of the book that the Author writes about Mustafa's journey from Zero to Hero.

There's a reason that the Author didn't name his novel The Grand Adventures of Gustave H. and his Trusty Lobby Boy, Zero. His novel—and the film The Grand Budapest Hotel— is about the faded glory of a single place. It's about the ways that the past encroaches on the present—remember how Mustafa says he keeps the Grand Budapest because it reminds him of Agatha?

Perhaps most importantly, it's about the ways that storytelling keeps memories alive. We have layers of stories in this film, and they all center around the Grand Budapest. Gustave tells young Zero about the prestige of the hotel. Mr. Mustafa tells the young Author about the history of the hotel. The Author tells the world about Mustafa's history of the hotel. Wes Anderson tells us all of these stories at once.