The Grand Budapest Hotel Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Grand Budapest Hotel? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Of whom did Gustave speak when he said, "E'en the most gifted bard's rhyme can only sing but to the lack of her and all she isn't. His tongue doth trip—"

Madame D.
Serge's club-footed sister
Boy with Apple
Q. Who said, "A moist, black ash dampens the filth of a dung-dark rat's nest and mingles with the thick scent of wood rot while the lark song of a guttersnipe—"

Madame D.
Q. "Whence came these two, radiant, celestial brothers, united, for an instant, as they crossed the stratosphere of our starry window?"

One from peace, and one from war.
One from the East, and one from the West.
One from the fern, and one from the oak.
One from Aq Salim al-Jabat, and one from…somewhere else.
Q. Who is the only character who finishes his/her poem in its entirety?

M. Chuck
Q. What does the speaker of Gustave's elevator verse find?

A horse
A painting
A musuem
A tomb