The Great Brain Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Crazy like a fox," I said, sitting on the edge of the bed and grinning triumphantly at my brothers. "Maybe I've only got a little brain, but I figured out how to get a disease first for a change. I sneaked into Howard Kay's house while he had the mumps and got him to expose me." (2.94)

It's hilarious that J.D. feels like he really got one over on his brothers. But then again, maybe he did—maybe this is exactly what he wanted. If it feels like victory, who are we to judge?

Quote #5

I followed Tom out to our backyard because I knew what he was going to do. His great brain had long ago figured out a way to eavesdrop on anybody in our parlor. We were without doubt the best-informed kids in town on things parents didn't want their children to hear. (3.116)

It's called "eavesdropping" because you hang out under the eaves while your parents drop sweet nuggets of information. Boom.

Quote #6

I watched him as he walked toward the back porch, leaving me alone to make the decision. He hadn't tried to bribe me or blackmail me. With his great brain I knew he could have influenced me, but he didn't even try. He had treated me as an equal and left the decision strictly up to me. Acting strictly on my own, I decided not to tell Mamma or Sweyn. (4.50)

It's kind of sweet of Tom to let J.D. think he makes these decisions for himself… Or is it just manipulative? Either way, Tom's mission is totally accomplished and J.D. keeps quiet.