The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Mr. Otto Frank Quotes

Mr. Otto Frank

Quote 4

MR. FRANK: It seems strange to say this, that anyone could be happy in a concentration camp. But Anne was happy in the camp in Holland where they first took us. After two years of being shut up in these rooms, she could be out … out in the sunshine and the fresh air that she loved. (2.5)

This just breaks our hearts. To be happy to be in a concentration camp means Anne definitely missed being outside. This sort of puts things in perspective about just how much Anne felt stifled in the Annex.

Mr. Otto Frank

Quote 5

MR. FRANK: Peter's brave. He doesn't mind. (1.3)

Peter doesn't mind being in the attic with the occasional rat. He's got his cat Mouschi to protect him.

Mr. Otto Frank

Quote 6

MR. FRANK: The danger has passed… Don't be so terrified, Anne. We're safe. (1.5)

Right—thanks Mr. Frank. We're totally not scared of the Nazis now. But we'll agree with you just this once.