Hoot Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

As he buckled his seat belt, he said, "Mr. Branitt, there's one more thing I wanted to ask. I'm just curious."

"Fire away," said Curly, wiping his brow with a yellow bandanna.

"It's about those owls."


"What's gonna happen to them?" Officer Delinko asked. "Once you start bulldozing, I mean."

Curly the foreman chuckled. He thought the policeman must be kidding.

"What owls?" he said. (1.63-69)

Well this is just a case of baloney. Curly knows full and well that there are owls on the property.

Quote #2

Thank you, dumb-butt Dana, he thought. Now Miss Hennepin knows I'm telling the truth.

Well, most of the truth.

Roy had left out the part about the strange running boy. He wasn't sure why, but it seemed like the sort of thing you didn't tell a vice-principal unless you absolutely had to. (2.74-76)

Even though Miss Hennepin knows that Roy is telling the truth about Dana choking him, he still didn't tell her the entire truth. This begs to ask the question if withholding truthful information is the same as lying. It's a very fine line.

Quote #3

"It wasn't a fight," Roy insisted. "I only punched him to make him let go. Then I got off the bus and ran."

"And that's when you were struck by the golf ball?" his father asked, wincing at the thought.

"He ran a long, long way," his mother said.

Roy sighed. "I was scared." He didn't like lying to his parents but he was too worn out to explain the real reason that he had run so far. (3.50-53)

Roy doesn't want to lie to his parents, but that doesn't stop him from doing so. Then again, this is more of an omission of detail rather than a fully fabricated statement.