Hoot Contrasting Regions: Montana versus Florida Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Hey," said Garrett. "You got a skateboard?"

"No, but I've got a snowboard."

Garrett hooted. "What for?"

"Where I used to live it snowed a lot," Roy said.

"You should learn to skateboard. It's awesome, man."

"Oh, I know how to skateboard. I just don't have one." (1.75-80)

Aside from the clever use of "hooted", this exchange between Roy and Garrett alludes to a major difference between Florida and Montana. How so? Well, you'd be hard pressed to find snowboarding in Florida.

Quote #2

His mother assured Roy that he would love Florida. Everybody in America wants to move there, she'd said, it's so sunny and gorgeous. Then Roy's father had poked his head in the door and said, with somewhat forced enthusiasm: "And don't forget Disney World."

"Disney World is an armpit," Roy had stated flatly, "compared to Montana. I want to stay here." (2.29-30)

Roy is definitely vocal about how much he does not want to move to Florida. And trying to entice him with Disney World isn't working. Though labeling it "an armpit" is more colorful, we think he'd rather play in the natural wilderness than a commercial theme park.

Quote #3

Florida was made for running; Roy had never seen anyplace so flat. Back in Montana you had steep craggy mountains that rose ten thousand feet into the clouds. Here the only hills were man-made highway bridges - smooth, gentle slopes of concrete. (1.71)

These two places couldn't be more different. And Roy is not keen on flat, mountainless Florida.