Hoot Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Of all the places the Eberhardts had lived, Roy's favorite was Bozeman, Montana. The snaggle-peaked mountains, the braided green rivers, the sky so blue it seemed like a painting - Roy had never imagined anywhere so beautiful. (2.27)

Montana is the be all, end all. In Roy's opinion, nothing could surpass the awesomeness of his old home. In fact, he can't even imagine another place coming close. That's setting the bar pretty high.

Quote #2

There, standing by the hole and peering curiously at one of the meatballs, was the smallest owl that he had ever seen.

Mullet Fingers chucked him gently on the shoulder. "Okay - now do you get it?"

"Yeah," said Roy. "I get it." (10.153-155)

And now the stars of the show! Roy meets the inspiration behind Mullet Fingers' creative protests.

Quote #3

"Ever since I was little," Mullet Fingers said, "I've been watchin' this place disappear - the piney woods, the scrub, the creeks, the glades. Even the beaches, man - they put up all these giant hotels and only goober tourists are allowed. It really sucks."

Roy said, "Same thing happens everywhere." (14.112-113)

Mullet Fingers is fed up. Not only is his home getting destroyed, but the land is getting commercialized. And Roy can certainly sympathize with him since he knows that the problem is widespread.