Hoot Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Being the new kid, Roy always sat alone, at the end of the table, whenever he was in the cafeteria. (1.73)

Hiaasen sets the stage by letting us know that Roy has no friends in Coconut Cove. Depressing, we know. But on the bright side, you can't have less than no friends—so it can only go up from here.

Quote #2

Roy decided not to tell his parents about his encounter with Mullet Fingers, the running boy. Being in law enforcement, Roy's father probably was required to report all crimes, even truancy. Roy didn't want to get the kid in trouble. (6.13)

Even though they're not officially friends yet, Roy is still looking out for Mullet Fingers. And he'll continue with the considerate acts of kindness, too.

Quote #3

"Look, the kid needs shoes. He could step on broken glass or rusty nails...or even a cottonmouth." (7.40)

Not many people go that far out of their way to care for a stranger. But Roy isn't like many people. This makes Beatrice (and us) question why Roy cares so much about Mullet Fingers. But Roy doesn't have an answer; he just cares.