Community Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Heidi was trying to find a [hair] style for me, flipping the strands this way and that. (30.73)

These small interactions help initiate Wanda into human lifestyle (maybe by regressing to her pre-teen years). They start treating her as they would a friend, not as an alien inhabiting a human's body.

Quote #8

Walter was my friend, not [Melanie's]. I was the one he'd defended. (30.133)

Wanda feels like part of the community when Walter stands up for her. Not for Melanie, her human host, but for her, no matter what species she is.

Quote #9

"Wanda is one of our community—the same rules and protections apply to her as to any of us." (35.101)

Notice that there's no class system in the cave-dwelling human community. Well, there's Jeb, then there's everyone else.