Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

What an extraordinarily stupid way to waste time. (50.91)

Wanda is talking about being consumed by hatred and never forgiving someone who's done you wrong. And, well, she has a point.

Quote #8

The souls were wrong to be here. My humans deserved their world. I could not give it back to them, but I could give them this. (51.46)

You might say that Wanda is compassionate to a fault. She feels for the humans so much, that she's willing to kill herself to bring Melanie back. She also tells them the secret that could turn the tables back in the human's favor, betraying her own race.

Quote #9

"I'm sorry. [...] For trying to kill you," [Kyle] said casually. "Guess I was wrong." (57.134-57.136)

This is something we never thought we'd see: Kyle apologizing. Well, it's not like it seems particularly heartfelt, or anything.