Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"That's twice," [Ian] growled, and I understood that the punch meant for me had been diverted by Ian's interference. (19.7)

Ian doesn't yet realize why he's defending Wanderer at this point. We're not sure either. Does he feel guilty that someone's trying to hit a girl, or is he starting to care for what's on the inside?

Quote #5

"Her name is Wanda, not it." (29.24)

Now we know exactly why he's defending Wanda. Ian develops compassion for her, for who she really is, and stands up for her to his own friends.

Quote #6

To be filled with so much hate that you could not even rejoice in the healing of a child... How did anyone ever come to that point? (46.37)

Sharon illustrates the exact opposite of compassion and forgiveness. She can't put aside her issues with Wanda even when Wanda saves the life of her nephew. In fact, she hasn't apologized to Wanda by the time the book ends. (Maybe in part two.)