Identity Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's my point. Body and soul. Two different things, in my case." (38.85)

Wanda is talking about how she could be put into a man's body and still function the same. This raises hundreds of interesting questions. Would Ian still be attracted to her if she was in a man's body? (We doubt it.) And would Wanda, who is technically female, be attracted to a human female, like Heidi perhaps, if she was in a man's body?

Quote #8

"How does going to one of those other planets help you? You'll still be a parasite, [Wanda]." (57.67)

Don't hold back, Jeb. But Wanda has to deal with this, because her species is, by nature, parasitic. Although, judging by the state the Earth is in when her species arrives—murders, rapes, environmental disasters—we think her parasitic species will fit right in with the humans.

Quote #9

I would stay in the dirt, in the dark grotto with my friends. A human grave for the human I had become. (58.18)

By the end of the novel, Wanda identifies much more with the humans than with her own species. She even wants to die as a human and be given a human burial. Sweet. And morbid.