How I Live Now Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Given that I had about as much experience with sex and boyfriends as I did with brothers and sisters, it was pretty strange to find myself suddenly overwhelmed with attention from the world's biggest warehouse of magical misfits. And just to complicate matters perfectly, I was starting to feel responsible for their safety and happiness. (1.16.24)

Ah, how things have shifted from the days when Daisy's cousins doted on her and brought her tea—now she feels responsible for taking care of them. And despite calling them misfits, the affection in her voice is clear, and she's obviously thrilled to have people whose well-being really matters to her.

Quote #8

I held Piper's hand and told her over and over that I loved her through the blood beating in my veins and running through my hand and into her fingers. Her hand started out limp and cold like a dead thing but I willed it back to life. (1.26.33)

Remember that foreshadowing earlier where Daisy understands the motherly instinct to lift up a car to save her child? Well, here's the moment it comes into play, as Daisy will do whatever she can (okay, so maybe it's not quite on par with automobile-lifting) to save Piper.

Quote #9

The soldier stamped my passport FAMILY in heavy black capital letters and I checked it now for reassurance and because I liked how fierce the word looked. (2.2.34)

Despite six years away from her cousins, back home with her father, stepmother, and the spawn, Daisy longs for what she now feels is her true family. The bold, capital letters on her passport seem to resonate with Daisy as she feels a fierce, animalistic instinct to love and protect them.