How I Live Now The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When I stepped outside, the familiar smell of that rainy April day hit me so hard I felt dizzy and had to put my bag down and wait for the spell to pass. (2.2.31)

We all have sights, sounds, and smells that can bring us right back to a particular memory. Here, Daisy encounter a scent that smells like home to her in the form of a rainy spring day, and the memory is so overwhelming that she nearly collapses.

Quote #8

I'm coming, I said silently to everything I'd left behind, and headed for the single, ragged bus that would take me home. (2.2.35)

Home is what Daisy's left behind. And home is a country, a house, a loft in a lamb barn, a dog, a girl who looks up to her, cousins who have come to be her closest family, and the closest thing to true love she's experienced.

Quote #9

And every minute of every year I was trying to come home. (2.4.60)

Daisy frantically tries to convey to Edmond how desperate she was to return to him and England during the six years she was away. This single line is tinged with hope, sorrow, guilt, regret, and desperation.