Hush, Hush Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

After eighteen-year-old Kjirsten Halverson's body was found hanging from a tree on the wooded campus of Kinghorn Prep, police questioned sophomore Elliot Saunders, who was seen with the victim on the night of her death. (11.78)

Mention of Kjirsten's death brings more urgency to Nora's near-death experiences. Kjirsten was only a few years older than Nora, emphasizing that death isn't just for adults but that it can come for teen girls as well. If Kjirsten can die, perhaps Nora will, too.

Quote #5

'I'm afraid I'll forget what he looked like. Not in pictures, but hanging around on a Saturday morning in sweats, making scrambled eggs.' (14.37)

This is a tender reminder of the sadness that comes with mortality. Inevitably there are little things dearly missed when someone dies even if there are photos, keepsakes, and memories.

Quote #6

Seeing the dead homeless woman conjured up thoughts of my dad. My vision was tinged with red, and hard as I tried, I couldn't flush out the image of blood. (21.79)

Finally Nora has to deal with the horror of losing her father. It's not a very thorough treatment of his death, but it's a reminder that Nora has been trying to repress thoughts about his death and that she needs to come to terms with death and mortality rather than avoid those topics.