Hush, Hush Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I tried to piece my memories together, working backward. I remembered the beating wings I'd heard shortly after I flung myself off the rafter. Without any doubt, I knew I'd died. I knew an angel had come to carry my soul away.

'I'm dead, aren't I?' I said quietly, reeling with fright. 'Am I a ghost?'

'When you jumped, the sacrifice killed Jules. Technically, when you came back, he should have too. But since he didn't have a soul, he had nothing to revive his body.'

'I came back?' I said, hoping I wasn't filling myself with false hope. (30.13-16)

Nora recounts the experience of having died. We actually kind of want more. Was there a light at the end of the tunnel? Was there a welcome-to-heaven party? Did she have to go through some sort of celestial DMV for processing? The passage also includes the idea that even mortal humans have an immortal soul.