Hush, Hush Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I opened my laptop and typed: The Sacrifice, two and a half stars. (3.123)

Okay, this is just for fun: Nora has to rate the movie for the eZine, but how do you think she would rate her own story about sacrifice? How would you rate it?

Quote #5

The phone rang and Mom stretched across the sofa to answer it. Ten seconds into the call she flopped back against the sofa and slapped a hand to her forehead. 'No, it's not a problem. I'll run over, pick it up, and bring it by first thing in the morning.'

Hugo was my mom's boss, and to say he called all the time was putting it mildly. […]

'He left some unfinished paperwork in the office and needs me to run over. I have to make copies, but I shouldn't be gone more than an hour. Have you finished your homework?'

'Not yet.'

'Then I'll tell myself we couldn't have spent time together even if I was here.' She sighed and rose to her feet. 'See you in an hour?' (14.50-54)

This passage gives offers up a glimpse of what Mrs. Grey has to put up with at work. Flopping against the sofa, slapping her forehead, and sighing all show that she is fed up with the high demands of her job, but she puts up with it any way to provide for her daughter.

Quote #6

'I made you think you fell off the Archangel because I wanted to kill you, but I couldn't go through with it. I almost did, but I stopped. I settled for scaring you instead. Then I made you think your cell was dead because I wanted to give you a ride home. When I came inside your house, I picked up a knife. I was going to kill you then.' His voice softened. 'You changed my mind.' (23.150)

Patch comes clean about wanting to sacrifice Nora, but he also says that Nora has changed his mind. In the past, Patch has been an impulsive, take-what-I-want kind of guy. Having another person impact him for the better and thinking of that person's wellbeing before his own desires is a change for Patch. He's shifting from wanting to sacrifice Nora to wanting to make sacrifices for her.