Hush, Hush Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

'There's a sacred book, The Book of Enoch,' she said. 'In it a fallen angel kills his Nephil vassal by sacrificing one of the Nephil's female descendants. You don't think Patch wants to kill you? What's the one thing he wants most? Once he sacrifices you, he'll be human. He'll have everything he wants.' (25.59)

Ta-da. This right here is a clear explanation of why Patch wants to kill Nora and how sacrificing her could help him get a human body. Good thing she changes him mind, right?

Quote #8

'When we get outside, we have to split up. If Jules chases us, he'll have to choose one of us to follow. The other will get help.' I already knew who he'd choose. Jules had no use for Vee, except to lure me here tonight. (29.18)

Vee is weaker than Nora, and Nora recognizes this and gives up her own safety for Vee's sake. Nora thinks of what her friend needs rather than what she needs, kind of the way Nora's mom does for her.

Quote #9

Tears stung my eyes. With no time for second thoughts, I threw myself off the rafter. (29.96)

This is Nora's sacrifice for Patch. Instead of taking Jules's bullet, Nora takes death into her own hands so that at least Patch can benefit from her death and get his human body.