I Never Promised You a Rose Garden Theme of Lies and Deceit

In I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, one thing that drives Deborah crazy—uh, somewhat literally—is the fact that everybody around her is lying all the time. It starts right in her own family. Yeah, they love each other, but they often lie to smooth over problems and avoid doing the hard work of changing dysfunctional habits. Deborah doesn't have much better luck with her doctors, who told her it wouldn't hurt when they cut her tumor out—a lie that gets four full Pinocchios.

Long story short—Deborah has issues with lying. And who doesn't? Lies cover the truth and prevent us from developing honest relationships with ourselves and the world around us. As Deborah finds out, it's the truth that will set you free.

Questions About Lies and Deceit

  1. What are the core reasons why Deborah hates lies so much?
  2. Who has lied to Deborah? What relation to these people have to Deborah? Do those relationships have an impact on how Deborah reacts to the lies?
  3. How does Dr. Fried react to the lies Deborah has heard over the years, and how does her reaction influence the therapy sessions?
  4. What role do lies play in the development of Yr over the course of the novel?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Lying prevents us from knowing ourselves and our true places in the world. This is why Deborah hates lies so much.

When the people you trust the most lie to you repeatedly, it's impossible to develop a healthy sense of who you are.