I'll Give You The Sun Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Guilt is a prison, she said. I stopped going to see her. (2.228)

Do you agree with Jude's school counselor about guilt being a prison? How come these characters don't believe in such a thing as a get out of jail free card?

Quote #5

"She's my mom too. Why can't you share?" The kick of guilt goes straight to my gut. (3.131-3.132)

Jude is intensely jealous of Noah's relationship with their mother. It drives her to do terrible things, even after her mother is gone.

Quote #6

"One night, she took a tumble out of bed, probably she needed the bedpan, but then after she fell, she couldn't get herself up. She was too weak, too sick.…She spent fifteen hours on the floor, shivering, hungry, in excruciating pain, calling for me, while I was passed out cold in the next room." (4.724)

Oscar is carrying around a lot of guilt for the way he treated his mother (or didn't, because he was passed out cold) while she was on her deathbed. Yikes.