I'll Give You The Sun Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Two years ago, a couple weeks after Mom died, he jumped off this same Devil's Drop, got caught in a rip, and almost drowned. (2.218)

Noah says he wasn't trying to kill himself. What do you think?

Quote #5

This Noah also goes out with girls, keeps his hair buzzed and tidy…watches sports with Dad. For all other sixteen-year-old boys: fine. For Noah, it signifies one thing: death of the spirit. (4.26)

There's more than one way to die. And from Jude's way of looking at it, Noah's may be better than drowning, but that doesn't make it anything good. What ends up bringing Noah "back to life"?

Quote #6

How can people die when you're in a fight with them? When you're smack in the middle of hating them? When absolutely nothing between you has been worked out? (4.191)

What Jude doesn't know is that her brother was also in a fight with their mom when she died. Secrets, secrets.