Independence Day Scenes 36-40 Summary

Scene 36

  • Jasmine is driving around rescuing people and loading them into the back of her truck. Everyone seems pretty somber/demoralized—but hey, at least they're alive.
  • Along the way, they come across the First Lady, who's badly injured.

Scene 37

  • Steve is dragging his captured alien through the desert.
  • He sees a bunch of RVs driving toward him. Russ is in one of them, and he stops to pick Steve up.
  • Steve wants to go to a nearby base he saw from the air. Russ doesn't see it on the map, but Steve is certain it's there.

Scene 38

  • Air Force One arrives at Area 51, where the President and the others get the tour. He meets Okun, the head scientist there.
  • Okun takes the President to see a spaceship they had captured from aliens some time ago. Then, he takes the President to see actual alien bodies they have stored. They're nasty-looking (but then, so are the live versions, as we saw when Steve punched one out).
  • The President asks David to work with the Area 51 scientists and share his expertise/knowledge with them and what he had discovered about their communications so far.

Scene 39

  • The RVs are arriving at the secret base.
  • The guard-types are initially reluctant to let Steve in, but he shows the guard the alien. They let him in, and Okun meets them, eager to see the unconscious (but alive) alien.
  • Steve arrives inside and meets the President, who has been discussing the bleak prospects facing the planet.
  • Steve also learns that El Toro has been destroyed—which, as far as he knows, means that Jasmine is dead.
  • If only we could tell him what we know—she's alive, and she's with the First Lady. And they both need help. Go, go, go.

Scene 40

  • Cut to: Jasmine arriving with the others at El Toro, which she finds destroyed.
  • Like Steve, she assumes that means the worst about his fate.
  • Jasmine and the First Lady have a heart-to-heart.