Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Theme of Family

Remember when your dad used to order you to calm down by making you count to ten in Greek?

Yeah, we don't remember that either. But Indiana Jones sure does.

To say that Indiana and Henry's relationship is strained is an understatement the size of Alexandretta. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, we've got a dad who seems more interested in his work than his kid; a son who resents his dad bigtime; and a mom who's not in this movie because, well, Steven Spielberg movies almost never have two parents.

Questions about Family

  1. Let's cut to the chase: was Henry a good dad? Why or why not?
  2. If Indiana's got so much hostility toward Henry, why does he go after him?
  3. What's the significance of Henry calling Indiana "Indiana" instead of "Junior" at the end of the movie?
  4. Is Mrs. Jones already deceased during the prologue? If so, how does that impact the flashback? If not, does that change anything?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Henry is largely to blame for his and Indiana's strained relationship.

Indiana has spent his entire life trying to snag his father's attention and earn his respect.