Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scene 13 Summary

  • Cut to Donovan and Elsa on another clifftop, surveying the Canyon of the Crescent Moon with binoculars. We're pretty sure this means they're getting really close to the Grail.
  • Cut to Indiana, Henry, Brody, and Sallah riding through the twisty canyon on horseback. Donovan may be close, but the good guys are closer. They roll up to the front of an ornate building in the middle of the rocky canyon, and they go inside.
  • Turns out Donovan, Elsa, and their whole gang are already there, standing at the entrance to a cobweb-coated interior tunnel. Indiana and his crew watch them from afar.
  • A nervous man enters the tunnel and slowly walks through the cobwebs. He looks terrified. Then the cobwebs move, as if a ghost is manipulating them.
  • The man's decapitated head rolls back to Donovan and the rest of the onlookers at the tunnel's entrance. Donovan calls for another volunteer.
  • Brody covers his mouth and looks away in horror. We see a gun shoved in his face.
  • Brody, Sallah, Henry, and Indiana are brought before Donovan. Elsa looks happy to see Indiana.
  • Donovan holds Indiana at gunpoint and tells him he's going to help Donovan get the Grail. They're going to go down in history, and Donovan's going to be immortal.
  • Indiana says thanks but no thanks and reminds Donovan that shooting him won't help him get the Grail. Donovan tells Indiana he's right—and then he shoots Henry in the gut.
  • Donovan tells Indiana that only the healing power of the Holy Grail can save Henry now.
  • Looks like Indiana's going to have to go get that Grail, after all.