Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scene 7 Summary

  • Indiana and Elsa roll up to Castle Brunwald in a car on a dark and stormy night. Elsa asks Indiana what he's going to do, and he says, "I don't know. I'll think of something." That's basically his motto.
  • Indiana knocks on the front door of the castle. The butler answers, and Indiana pretends to be a Scottish lord who's there with his assistant (a.k.a. Elsa) to view the tapestries.
  • The butler isn't buying the whole "I'm a Scottish lord" thing that Indiana's selling, so Indiana has to punch him in the face and knock him out.
  • Indiana and Elsa venture deeper into the castle and spy from above what appears to be a Nazi war room with a bunch of dudes scurrying around, hard at work, talking on phones, and poring over a giant map. "Nazis," grouses Indiana. "I hate these guys." We feel you, Indy.
  • Indiana and Elsa continue searching the castle. Indiana comes to a room with a tripwire and suspects that that's where his dad's being held.
  • Indiana enters the next room and climbs out the window. He lassos a wire with his whip and uses it to swing to a neighboring building. Then he swings from there right through the window of the room he thinks his dad's hanging out in.
  • Indiana promptly gets knocked over the head with a vase by a shadowy figure who's then revealed to be dear ol' dad. "Junior!" says his dad, Henry.
  • Indiana can hear voices in the distance. They need to get out of there, pronto.
  • Henry's relieved that the vase he broke wasn't actually a priceless antique from the Ming dynasty; it was just a fake. His kid's head? Yeah, whatever.
  • Henry eventually apologizes for braining Indiana with a vase, but he says he thought Indiana was one of the Nazis. Indiana points out that they would have come through the front door.
  • Henry says he may have been wrong about that, but it looks like he was right to send Indiana his Grail diary.
  • Indiana tells Henry that they found the catacombs, and Sir Richard, and his shield, and that the starting point—the city Henry was trying to figure out—is Alexandretta. Henry's beyond stoked.
  • Just then, the Nazis bust in, guns at the ready. They want the diary. Both Dr. Joneses play dumb, but the lead Nazi says he knows Indiana has the diary in his pocket.
  • Henry laughs in the Nazis faces. Surely his son couldn't be so stupid as to bring the diary with him, right into the lair of the people who so desperately want it.
  • Um, yup, Indiana brought it.
  • Indiana and Henry argue, and, in the middle of their fight, Indiana grabs one of the Nazi officer's guns and shoots him and all of the other officers dead while his father looks on in disbelief. The Joneses dash out of the room.
  • The two dart into Elsa's room and find her being held at gunpoint by Vogel, another Nazi officer. He tells Indiana to drop the gun, or Elsa will get it.
  • "But she's a Nazi!" Henry says.
  • Uh, say what now?
  • Indiana doesn't believe his dad. Henry tells his son to trust him. Indiana turns over the gun, and Vogel releases Elsa who runs into Indiana's arms.
  • Elsa apologizes, and Indiana mistakenly thinks she's apologizing for being taken hostage. She's not. She takes the Grail diary out of his pocket and backs up, next to Vogel.
  • Elsa tells Indiana he should've listened to his father.
  • Yeah, no kidding.