Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scene 8 Summary

  • Vogel and Elsa lead Indiana and Henry into a large dining hall. Indiana still can't believe he got duped so bad. She ransacked her own room, for Pete's sake.
  • Indiana asks his dad how he knew Elsa was a Nazi. Henry says she talks in her sleep, and Indiana looks at his dad in disbelief.
  • Henry tells Indiana that he didn't trust Elsa, and suddenly another voice chimes in, telling Indiana that he'd told him not to trust anyone.
  • It's Donovan.
  • Man, is everybody a secret Nazi? No wonder the Joneses have trust issues.
  • Donovan thumbs through the Grail diary and says that there are pages missing. Elsa takes a look at it and deduces that the map from the unknown city (that Indiana, Henry, and Brody now know is Alexandretta) to the Grail is missing. She also deduces that Indiana must have given the pages to Brody.
  • Donovan says that Brody should be easy to find: he sticks out like a sore thumb. Indiana disagrees.
  • Cut to Brody, making his way through a crowded plaza in Iskenderun, sticking out like a sore thumb and desperately trying to find someone who speaks English—or maybe a little ancient Greek?
  • Brody runs into Sallah. He's very relieved to see his old pal.
  • Brody and Sallah walk and talk about what their plans are.
  • Just as Brody's about to pull out the map, he's interrupted by a shady-looking dude who says he's with the Iskenderun Museum. He says they've sent a car for Brody.
  • Brody's all, "Much obliged. That sounds rad," and, once the man with the car turns his back, Sallah's all, "Um, Brody? There is no museum here."
  • Sallah tries to create a distraction with a newspaper and repeatedly tells Brody to run. Brody doesn't get it. Sallah punches the shady guy in the face, and then they run.
  • Sallah spots a curtain-covered entrance to a building and tells Brody to duck in there. Brody runs up the ramp and inside the building. Sallah stands outside, fists ready.
  • The ramp that Brody just ran up closes, revealing a swastika painted on the back, and the whole entrance pulls away.
  • That wasn't a building, it was a Nazi truck.
  • Peace out, Brody.