Fear Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Caleb doesn't know that Tobias wears his excellence all the time in his own nickname. (3.34)

This quote is pretty much a recap from the last book, but Tobias is called "Four" because he only has four fears. And spiders aren't one of them.

Quote #2

[Tobias] still believes that I am strong. Strong enough that I don't need his sympathy. I used to think he was right, but now I am not sure. I clear my throat. (7.149)

As if Tris's fears aren't complicated enough, she now seems to be afraid that she isn't fearless. What kind of paradox is this?

Quote #3

I didn't realize until that moment that Dauntless initiation had taught me an important lesson: how to keep going. (7.160)

Dauntless is a synonym for fearless, and while that may not actually be true (no one in the book is truly fearless), the faction at least teaches people not to be controlled by their fears.