Guilt Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Before I open my eyes, I watch him crumple to the pavement again. Dead. My doing. (1.3-1.4)

This book opens with Tris sticking her key in the ignition to begin a hundred-page-long guilt trip. Not that we blame her. Shooting a friend, even when you feel you're forced to do it, isn't an easy thing to overcome. Not that we're speaking from experience.

Quote #2

I shove the gun beneath it and let the mattress bury it. (2.5)

Tris is going with the out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach to assuaging her guilt. We're not sure if this is going to work, or if that smoking gun is going to turn into a something like the telltale heart, a ticking time bomb reminding her of what she's done.

Quote #3

I can't tell [Tobias] that I'm having nightmares about Will, or I would have to explain why. (5.43)

Telling your boyfriend that you're dreaming of another man is hard. Telling him that you're dreaming of another man you killed one time is even harder. However, by keeping it from Tobias, Tris is just layering guilt on top of guilt here. It's a seven-layer dip of guilt, without the guacamole.