Identity Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I cut in as straight a line as I can, using my jaw as a guide. (2.54)

Tris defines her identity through her new short haircut, a method of expressing yourself popularized by Felicity and heroines in Lifetime Original Movies.

Quote #2

This is what it feels like: pulling the different parts of me up and in like a shoelace. (3.3)

Tris is trying to rationalize different parts of her identity into one coherent whole. The two most disparate parts at this point are the part that loves her friends and the part that will shoot them if she knows she has to. Yeah, that's an identity crisis in the making if we've ever heard one.

Quote #3

"Don't call me 'little girl.'" (6.33)

"Little girl" is the worst slur a person can hurl at Tris. She's stuck in adolescence, wanting to desperately move past her youth but not yet ready to act like an adult. Her own insecurities about her identity probably make her extra sensitive to what other people say about her.