Rules Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The Dauntless have holidays of their own, I assume, but I don't know what they are. (2.17)

Maybe the Dauntless are so daring they announce holidays last minute, like the society in The Giver? Do you think it's a little strange that each faction has its own holidays, or does that seem normal to you?

Quote #2

"The Dauntless wear their hair down, right?" (2.47)

What, there are faction-specific hairstyles? We'd like to be in the faction with fros, please.

Quote #3

"Are you putting me in a time-out or something?" (6.49)

The Amity, a faction seemingly run by adults, punishes people by putting them in a time-out. Seriously? Who created all these rules, an elementary-school principal? Speaking of which, how different is this place from a school?