Jacob Have I Loved Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I began to tell him quite matter-of-factly about Rass, where it was, what it looked like, slipping into a picture of how it had been. I hadn't returned to the island since entering nursing school except for two funerals, my grandmother's and the Captain's. Now as I described the marsh as it was when I was a child, I could almost feel the wind on my arms and hear the geese baying like a pack of hounds as they flew over. No one on the mainland had ever invited me to talk about home before, and the longer I talked, the more I wanted to talk, churning with happiness and homesickness at the same time. (19.32)

This is the first moment Louise realizes that she actually misses home. Sure, she and Rass Island might have had their differences, but she loves the place. She's just not going to move back there anytime soon. We don't blame her—some homes are best admired from a distance.