
Make it a Dino Double—Actually, a Triple

In case you somehow missed the fact that Jurassic Park spawned three sequels over the course of twelve years, we're here to remind you that this movie was really, really popular. But it wasn't just the movie; it was also the merchandising. Jurassic Park-branded clothing, video games, and action figures did some serious dino damage to parents' wallets.

Seriously, a child of the 90s could don a Jurassic Park hat while playing Jurassic Park on the Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo and then call their friends over to play the Jurassic Park board game. You could basically eat, sleep, and breathe Jurassic Park.

If you somehow got sick of Jurassic Park, the movie inspired a variety of knockoffs, like Carnosaur, in which a woman literally gives birth to a dinosaur. And Jurassic Park references persist in pop culture today, like the parody Geriatric Park from Naked Gun III, or the Velociraptors in the mobile game Disco Zoo, which prompt your zoo's visitors to remark, "Can it open doors?" and "Clever girl." At least they don't meet the same fate as Muldoon.