Hammond's Amber-Tipped Cane

Hammond's Amber-Tipped Cane

Amber Alert

John Hammond is so old he needs a cane to walk. But not any old hickory stick will do for him—no, he has to show off. His cane is tipped with a sphere of amber with a mosquito trapped in it. Sure, it's a big achievement that scientists extracted dino DNA from an ancient mosquito, but this would be like Bill Gates wearing a PC around his neck or Steve Jobs being buried inside a giant iPod.

The amber-tipped cane shows just how prideful Hammond is, and, as we all know, pride comes before a fall. In Jurassic Park, though, it's other people who fall (a.k.a. die) for Hammond's mistakes. At the end of the movie, melancholic instrumental music plays as Hammond stares at his little mosquito. Oh, poor John Hammond. His theme park failed, and he's sad about it. What about all the people who died? Someone should whack Hammond upside the head with his own cane.