A Little Princess Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

… and Sara saw her and was so sorry for her that she began rather to like her and want to be her friend. (3.4)

Ah, the beginnings of a beautiful friendship: pity. No but really, Sara and Ermengarde are meant to be BFFs.

Quote #2

"I wish we could be 'best friends.' Would you have me for yours? You're clever and I'm the stupidest child in the school, but I—oh, I do so like you!" (3.68)

And then, Ermengarde gives her half of a heart necklace. Sara and Ermengarde feel a kinship toward each other even though everyone else thinks they're weird (for different reasons). Loners unite, right?

Quote #3

But there were hours when her child heart might almost have broken with loneliness but for three people. (8.22)

If it weren't for Ermengarde, Becky and Lottie, Sara would have no one to talk to but a doll and a rat (literally). So, thank goodness for friends.