A Little Princess Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The change in her life did not come about gradually, but was made all at once. (8.4)

One minute, Sara's opening all her birthday gifts and the guest of honor at school. The next minute, she's sent to the attic and told to help out the cook. What a trip! This is less a transformation than a shove off a high-dive.

Quote #2

"You are not a princess any longer. Your carriage and your pony will be sent away—your maid will be dismissed." (7.176)

That's right! You heard me! Your carriage and pony will be taken away, you fallen princess, you!

Quote #3

"I am different," she explained, "though not in the way you think. Miss Minchin does not want me to talk to the girls. Most of them don't want to talk to me." (8.56)

Sara feels awkward around Ermengarde after she's delegated to maid-work because they're no longer on the same level. But she's no different, really—it's just that people see her differently.