A Little Princess Themes

A Little Princess Themes


Even when she's rich Sara is already a weird kid and pretty thoughtful for her age. After she loses her wealth... well, it turns out that she has a lot more time to sit around and ponder things tha...


How exactly does Sara bear it all in A Little Princess? Well, there's that whole inner grace thing. But it also helps that she has a pretty tight crew that sticks with her through thick and thin. Y...


Ah yes, the green-eyed monster in all of us. Sure, Sara has a lot going for her at the beginning of A Little Princess, but most people are happy for her—except, of course, for a select few. Two p...


Please choose from the following list the phrase that best represents "fun": Endless chores, sleeping in a dingy attic with rats, being hungry, losing all of your clothes and toys.Answer: Trick que...


We've got to hand it to Sara Crewe—not only does she have impeccably good manners, but she's quite the brave little thing when faced with adversity that would make most girls scream. In A Little...


"Never give up" isn't a motto you find on inspirational posters. It's the guiding principle of A Little Princess. Sara lives by these words as she endures one misery after another on her descent in...


When we first meet Sara, her clothes are quite fancy and sumptuous. There is a whole lot of emphasis on outward appearance, clothes and all the finery that comes with "good breeding" in A Little Pr...

Society and Class

Oh boy, is class a loaded issue in A Little Princess or what? Sara's class in society is in flux throughout the book—and when it changes, it's quite interesting to see how other characters react...


Like class and society, the issue of wealth weighs heavily (hah! Pun-tastic) on the characters of A Little Princess. Sara finds herself going from a rich heiress with plenty of fine clothes and exq...


At the beginning of A Little Princess, Sara really does look like a little princess. She has all the toys and clothes she could want (we're thinking Suri Cruise's wardrobe), she's paraded around as...