A Little Princess Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Little Sara rose in her seat. She was beginning to feel rather desperate, as if she were almost in disgrace. She looked up into Monsieur Dufarge's face… (2.37)

Sara won't let Miss Minchin keep thinking that she doesn't want to learn French… much to Miss Minchin's embarrassment. Oops!

Quote #2

Sara stood by the howling furious child for a few moments, and looked down at her without saying anything. Then she sat down flat on the floor beside her and waited. (4.38)

The only way to deal with a screaming toddler is to wait it out, like a storm. (Oh, and it helps if you can then distract her with a story.)

Quote #3

During the first month or two, Sara thought that her willingness to do things as well as she could, and her silence under reproof, might soften those who drove her so hard. (8.10)

Sara tries to do her new chores and jobs as well as possible, but Miss Minchin still hates her guts. Perseverance isn't going to soften this one up.