A Little Princess Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You are a beggar," said Miss Minchin, her temper rising at the recollection of what all this meant. "It appears that you have no relations and no home, and no one to take care of you." (7.166)

Miss Minchin really knows how to soften the blow of delivering the news of a child's father's death, doesn't she?

Quote #2

"If I do not remind myself of the things I have learned, perhaps I may forget them," she said to herself. "I am almost a scullery maid, and if I am a scullery maid who knows nothing, I shall be like poor Becky." (8.13)

Sara has to keep her mind "rich" in order to avoid succumbing to general poverty. So, we guess you could say that she's never fully impoverished. Just mostly impoverished. Hey, it's something!

Quote #3

"Here, poor little girl," he said. "Here is a sixpence. I will give it to you." (10.7)

It's a pretty sad day when you're referred to simply as "poor girl." This is a good example of how poverty can strip people of their individuality. (When was the last time you learned a homeless person's name?)