A Little Princess Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Becky ran to her and caught her hand, and hugged it to her breast, kneeling beside her and sobbing with love and pain. (7.205)

Nothing compares to the pain of learning that her papa has died, and even Becky feels terrible for Sara. Well, we say "even," but it actually seems at this point like Becky might be the only one.

Quote #2

Added to this, she had been deprived of her dinner, because Miss Minchin had chosen to punish her. She was so cold and hungry and tired that her face began to have a pinched look, and now and then some kind-hearted person passing her in the street glanced at her with sudden sympathy. (13.10)

Life at Miss Minchin's school is certainly not as rosy as it was in the beginning, with all those sumptuous fabrics, toys and books. (And you know it's bad when random strangers feel sorry for you.)

Quote #3

Just to look at her made Sara more hungry and faint. (13.32)

As if there weren't enough things to make Sara hungry and faint already! But this is how we know Sara is a true princess: she suffers along with the populace.