Luna Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Was his fascination with playing house the first indication I had that Liam was different? In his head and heart he knew he was a girl? That he was transgender. (2.21)

Although Luna's always been physically male, her identity has always been female—after all, she wants to play Mommy when they play house.

Quote #2

"Dad, I told you, I have to work. What do you want me to do, quit my job so I can stay home and cook your dinner? Clean your house? Wash your clothes—" (2.80)

Seriously—everyone treats Regan like she's going to be a mini version of her mom just because she's a girl. Isn't it a little ironic that Regan doesn't want to do normal girl things, whereas Liam is jumping at the chance to help out?

Quote #3

"Liam." He let out a short laugh. "Who's that? A caricature I've created. A puppet, a mime, a cartoon character. I'm this male macho version of a son that Dad has in his head." (3.76)

It's true—the Liam that everyone knows isn't even a real person. It's a façade that Liam puts on in order to fit in and keep things cool with the parental units.